Three's Enjoyment in Sport : Pleasure, Joy and Blessedness 체육철학 : 스포츠에서의 삼락 : 쾌락, 희락 그리고 열락
37(2) 9-18, 1998
Three's Enjoyment in Sport : Pleasure, Joy and Blessedness 체육철학 : 스포츠에서의 삼락 : 쾌락, 희락 그리고 열락
The purpose of this article tries to suggest that natural meaning of human behavior and grade of ranks of value in sport activity. Therefor, The enjoyment of sport activity divide into three dimension. One is pleasure. That is, The need of physical activity itself presented pleasure through sport. Another is joy. This was enjoyment gained that through self-realization. The third is blessedness. That is enjoyment that we realize self-in sport world itself. We have to gain three dimensions enjoyment in sports.
In conclusion, The Tao(道) of human movement behavior must seek to third dimension enjoyment, that is, blessedness, without third enjoyment, it give to mind that we will gain sport knowledge. I want to say that it means the abandon which the way of human understanding.
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The Body as "Physicalized Spirit" and Sportsmanship : At the Base of Max Scheler's Philosophical Anthropology 체육철학 : '육화된 정신'으로서의 신체와 스포츠 정신 - 막스 셸러의 '철학적 인간학'을 중심으로 -
함정혜HahmChung-Hee , 김영선KimYoung-Seon
37(2) 19-28, 1998
The Body as "Physicalized Spirit" and Sportsmanship : At the Base of Max Scheler's Philosophical Anthropology 체육철학 : '육화된 정신'으로서의 신체와 스포츠 정신 - 막스 셸러의 '철학적 인간학'을 중심으로 -
함정혜HahmChung-Hee , 김영선KimYoung-Seon
When we understand the human being, if the spirit is superior to some matter, the some matter should need to be defined as it is inferior to the spirit. Traditionally the body was regarded as a physical machine controlled by the spirit. But this partical understanding about the human being could objectify to the oppositional concepts of body and spirit which should be embodied together. It was result to isolate each other. In other words, because the understanding of spirit was apt to omit thinking of body’s part, the understanding of body was the same. In the early of 20th century, especially the problem of humanity restoration emerged as a important task, Max Scheler(1874-1928) suggested ‘the new Philosophic Anthropology’ through his famous work < Die Stelsung des Menschen im Kosmos > written in the 1928. He has attempted to show new implication of the reality and essence of human beings with explaining about a meaning of ‘Geist(Spirit)’. A new Geist’s principle indicated that the body itself wind not be recognized without ‘Geist’ and might be a specialized body unified with ‘Geist’. It was not separated body and mind. The meaning of body should be specialized one which intergrated with the principle of ‘Geist’. The body was not possesed by the spirit but was a human being itself as a "physicalized spirit". In the effect of the modern empirical science the sports man has been treated a moving machine. Where does the humanity was isolated by quantitative records find out? Modern sports also needed a ‘humanity restoration’ like a Scheler’s attempt. So we who love sports should more try to study discovering about ‘the Sportsmanship’.
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A Survey on the Actual Condition of Athlete Physical Abuse 스포츠 사회학 : 운동선수 신체적 학대에 관한 실태 조사
37(2) 31-42, 1998
A Survey on the Actual Condition of Athlete Physical Abuse 스포츠 사회학 : 운동선수 신체적 학대에 관한 실태 조사
Under the assumption that athlete physical abuse is latent in educational system of Korea, the purpose of this study was to survey the actual condition of athlete physical abuse.
For the purpose, this study chose athletes◎elementary, middle, & high schools located in Seoul as a population.
Using a stratified cluster random sampling, 600 athletes in 34 schools were selected from September to November, 1997. Finally 537 athletes were analysed as subjects for collecting data.
Physical abuse was measured by the index from K. to R. based on Straus(1974)’ Conflict Resolution Technique Scales. Frequence and percentage by items were calculated to solve problems of the study, and χ²- test method was used to test the differences between observed values and expected values.
On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows
1. 21.8% of athletes were not physically abused, however 42.5% were weakly abused, 35.7% were severely abused.
2. The primary other abusing athletes was coach, followed by senior, and subject teacher. The degree that athletes experienced the physical abuse was 1 time per 2weeks, followed 1 time per 1 week, and 2 times per 1 week.
3. The injured lesion due to athlete physical abuse was hip, followed by leg, face, and whole body, The result of physical injury was bruise, followed by scratch, and tear.
4. There were significant differences in the psychobehaviral disorder and psychosomatic disorder by degree of athlete physical abuse. Severely abused athletes’ those were more serious.
5. There were significant differences in athlete physical abuse by gender and grade of school. Also, there were significant differences in those by athletic type, athletic intensity, athletic frequency, athletic career, athletic achievement, number of athletes, coach’s gender, coach’s age, and coach’s academic career.
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A Study on the Legal Treatment Ski Accident 스포츠 사회학 : 스키사고에 관한 법적고찰
37(2) 43-55, 1998
A Study on the Legal Treatment Ski Accident 스포츠 사회학 : 스키사고에 관한 법적고찰
This study was to provide the information regarding the legal treatment of the accident for people who are in charge of teaching managementing and administrating ski, and to promote a preventive perception on the safety accident for them. The conclusion of this study is as follows.
The legal items related with the ski accidents are the civil law 750, 756, 758 and the national damages law 5, and the criminal law 268. Because the civil case focuses on the redemption of the defender, in the most case the defender gains the case.
The case law on the ski accidents argue the sport speciality that be acknowledged as the risk acceptance and self mistake theory.
The ski accidents of the extent of accept socially to be exempted from illegality because sport speciality except the serious accidents and a gross mistake.
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A Study on the Fundamental Human Right of an Athletes and the Rule of Sports Group - Centered on a Law Suit to Nullify the Baseball Player Lim Sun Dong's Nomination - 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠단체의 규칙과 운동선수의 기본권에 관한 연구 - 야구선수 임선동의 지명무효 확인소송을 중심으로 -
손진상SohnJin-Sang , 정진화JungJin-Hwa
37(2) 56-67, 1998
A Study on the Fundamental Human Right of an Athletes and the Rule of Sports Group - Centered on a Law Suit to Nullify the Baseball Player Lim Sun Dong's Nomination - 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠단체의 규칙과 운동선수의 기본권에 관한 연구 - 야구선수 임선동의 지명무효 확인소송을 중심으로 -
손진상SohnJin-Sang , 정진화JungJin-Hwa
In modern society are not the only unsocial, non-businesslike leisure but the constant expansion of public interest which is linked with the object of the nation protection. And it is understood the task with fixed meaning which is granted to society. Namely although sports have the independence and self-regulation from nation, it is concerned with the nation, national life and have influences on.
So sport is related to the constitution which is the fundamental law of the nation or national life. In this study I considered the question of the judical examination on the punishment right of sport group and the legal status, the fundamental right of athletes among the matters of the sports and the constitution. For the purpose of this study I divided the contents into 5 parts.
Chap. I. Introduction.
II. The legal status of athletes.
III. The fundamental human right of an athlete.
IV. A Law suit to nomination of probaseball team.
V. Conclusion
In modern society keeping step with an importance of the sports because many things concerning on the sports largely influence on the national life, the constitution mattered to the sports come to the front actually. And it is a self-evident truth that an athlete is the subject of fundamental human right. Therefore the fundamental human right is never unfairly restricted. The matter on the sports and constitution is treated lightly so far and in this study I just raise a question, but the more interest and effort on this matter should follow up.
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The Relationships among Life Cycle of Game Participants , Activity Pattern and Systematization Level 스포츠 사회학 : 생애주기와 게임활동의 참가유형 및 조직화 수준의 관계
이은석YiUn-Surk , 이종영LeeJong-Young
37(2) 68-83, 1998
The Relationships among Life Cycle of Game Participants , Activity Pattern and Systematization Level 스포츠 사회학 : 생애주기와 게임활동의 참가유형 및 조직화 수준의 관계
이은석YiUn-Surk , 이종영LeeJong-Young
The purpose of this study was to investigates the game participants, activity pattern and systematization level of the life cycle in Seoul Korea.
The life cycle divided into 3 stages; childhood, teenagerhood, young adulthood, and classify according to the game participants, activity pattern and systematization level of the life cycle. The game participants, activity patterns and systematization level are analyzed in each stage.
Thirty subjects were selected far data collection: eight of them had childhood(male: 4, female: 4), eleven had teenagerhood(male: 5, female: 6, eleven had young adulthood(male: 5, female: 6) in Seoul.
The qualitative data were collected through in-depth interview with open interview questionnaire and related documents. The qualitative data were analyzed through inductive categorical analysis. The validity of qualitative data were testified using professional discussion, peer debriefing, and triangulation.
The results obtained through the above analyses are as the followings.
First, There are differences among childhood, teenagerhood, young adulthood, game activity patterns(competitive, oppotune, imitated, giddy game activity) along with the life cycle.
In the agon game activity, game activities are performed conduct more like play in childhood. but changing to the game and sports along with the life cycle.
In the alea game, game activities are performed with few penal regulations or penchant for gambling in childhood. but penal regulations or penchant for gambling are increased along with the life cycle.
In the mimicry game, game activities are performed mostly in childhood and appeared very rare along with the life cycle.
In the ilinx game, game activities mostly by playing with the junket appliance in childhood. but game`s rule and level of skill are increased along the life cycle.
Second, There are differences among of childhood, teenagerhood, young adulthood game systematization level along with the life cycle.
In the agon game, systematization level is abstract and unconditional in childhood, but changing to concreate and strictly regulated along the life cycle.
In the alea game level, systematization level is low and internalized in childhood, but changing to concrete and external reward along the life cycle.
In the mimcry game, systematization is strengthened mainly through a mass media in childhood and teenagerhood, but changing to organizing by few professonals.
In the ilinx game, systematization level is determind by the junket appliance in childhood, but changing to more stimulating, new and varied game activity along the life.
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The Relationship Between Franchise of Professional Baseball and Political Regionalism in Korea 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 프로야구의 지역연고제와 정치적 지역주의의 관계
37(2) 84-95, 1998
The Relationship Between Franchise of Professional Baseball and Political Regionalism in Korea 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 프로야구의 지역연고제와 정치적 지역주의의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between franchise of professional baseball and political regionalism in Korea. For the purpose the differences of voting attendence, favorable/unfavorable party, and political regionalism factors such as dividism, collectivism, and resistency were analyzed between spectators and non-spectators. The subjects of this study included 770 male and female citizens from 3 different areas and were admimisterd the questionnaires for themselves. The statistical methods to analyze collected data were crosstabulation with Chi=square and oneway ANOVA.
The major findings in this study were summarized as followings :
First, there was significant diffemence of voting attenence between spectators and non-spectators; the ratio of voting attendance of spectators was significantly higher than that of non-spectators.
Second, the spectators tended to be higher level of political reginoalism factors such as favorable and unfavorable party, but there were no statistical significances.
Third, the spectators tended to be lower level of political reginoalism factors such as dividism, community, and resistency, but there were no statistical significances.
Within its limitations this study reached to conclusion that there were no empirical evidences to verify the significant relationship between the franchise of baseball and political regionalism.
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The Relationship between Job Stressor and Organizational Effectiveness in Coaches 스포츠 사회학 : 코치의 직무스트레스 요인과 조직유효성의 관계
37(2) 96-111, 1998
The Relationship between Job Stressor and Organizational Effectiveness in Coaches 스포츠 사회학 : 코치의 직무스트레스 요인과 조직유효성의 관계
The purpose of this study was how to effectively manage that the job stressor of coaches will influence on organizaional effectiveness. The population was the coaches belonging to the Pusan Sports Association as of 1996. Sampling was made according to the unequal proportional stratified method. The participants in the questionnaire were 516, but the data for actual analysis included 484 (M:409, F:75). The statistics analysis method adapted t-test, One-way ANOVA, Duncan test, Pearson`s Correlation Analysis, Stepwise Multiful Regression.
The conclusions of this study are as follows :
1. Male coaches` job stressor was higher than female coaches` job stressor in the case of role ambiguity, job overload, interperson relationships, expense problems. In Job type`s case, the charge of trainning and administration were found to have high points in the case of interpersonal relationships. Also, In coaching event type`s case, anti-personal event coaches were found to have the highest points in the case of role ambiguity, job overload and expense problems.
2. In organizational effictivemess, the organizational commitment of male coaches was found to have higher points than that of female coaches. As to coaching event type, anti-personal event coach was recorded to have the highest points in the case of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
3. Job overload was found to influence the highest points on the organizational commitment of male coaches. Job overload was found to influence the highest points on the job satisfaction of male coaches while expense problems were found to influence the highest points on that of female coaches. And also, the stronger there is job stressor due to interpersonal relationships, the stronger there is turnover intention the case of all coaches.
4. Job overload was found to influence the highest points on the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of training coaches. interpersonal relationships was found to influence the highest points on the turnover intention of training coaches while the charage of training and administration coaches was found role conflict.
5. Job overload was found to influence the highest points on the organizational commitment of anti-personal, team event coaches. Job overload was found to influence the highest points on the job satisfaction of anti-personal event coaches. And the stronger there is job stressor due to interpersonal relationships, the stronger there is turnover intention the case of all coaches.
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Analysis of the Arousal / Motor Performance Relationship through Dynamical System Approach 스포츠 심리학 : 다이나믹 시스템 접근을 통한 각성과 운동수행 관계의 분석
고영규KoYoung-Gyu , 박현주ParkHyun-Joo
37(2) 115-130, 1998
Analysis of the Arousal / Motor Performance Relationship through Dynamical System Approach 스포츠 심리학 : 다이나믹 시스템 접근을 통한 각성과 운동수행 관계의 분석
고영규KoYoung-Gyu , 박현주ParkHyun-Joo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the arousal/motor performance relationship through a dynamical system approach. A specific goal was to examine how the arousal as an organism constraint influences performance outcome of stepping task through the analysis of coordination and control characteristics. Eight subjects particiapated in this experiment. Experimental conditions consisted of 1) comfort mode, 2) doing best alone, 3) competition with the other, and 4) competition plus evaluation conditions. During the stepping motion the body segment motion was recorded with shuttered video camera recording at 60 videofields per second. Kinematic data for the ankle, knee, and hip joint angle were digitized, smoothed, differentiated. Angle-angle plot and phase plane were produced from the kinematic data of the joints. Angle-angle plots were used to differentiate the coordinatoin pattern, while phase planes were used to represent the control characteristics of individual joint. The experimental results revealed that the performance of the stepping task increased with increases in arousal. The results of kinematic analysis indicated that the increase in arousal influenced both coordination and control of body segments. These results suggested that as the level of arousal increased, the subjects changed the movement form and used different control strategy. These changes in movement characteristics contributed the improvement in the performance.
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A Theoretical Review on a Developmental Process of Identity with Sport : From the Aspect of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠에 대한 정체성 발달과정의 이론적 고찰 : 교육적, 발달심리적 관점을 중심으로
김경원KimKyung-Won , 송우엽SongWoo-Yeob
37(2) 131-141, 1998
A Theoretical Review on a Developmental Process of Identity with Sport : From the Aspect of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠에 대한 정체성 발달과정의 이론적 고찰 : 교육적, 발달심리적 관점을 중심으로
김경원KimKyung-Won , 송우엽SongWoo-Yeob
Current research to the drop-out in competitive sport with children and youths has shown that in the age of puberty the drop-out rate increases to a large extent. This phenomenon is scientifically not easy to understand, but can be interpreted that during the sport participation drop-outs could not develop the identity with sport. The concept of identity of Erikson, an American psychoanalyst, helps us understand, why the youths in the age of puberty turn on a large scale his back upon a sport.
According to Erikson, the drop-out in the age of puberty results from the socialization process of the younger participants in the age of 6 to 12 years. In this developmental period, the children develop the inferiority complex easily, when they experience failure successively in competitive situations. Erikson pointed out that a behavioral response to the inferiority complex is not exhibited in this age stage, but only in the age of puberty. On the basis of this developmental characteristic, the socialization in competitive sport is of a great importance to the younger children. Especially, the experiences of success in sport settings play a very important role for the development of identity with sport.
In general, the puberscents can be characterized by varied behavioral interests. But the institutionalized competitive sport can not meet these needs, because of the unwillingly developed one-dimensional self-concept. But the concept of a multi-dimensional identity or self-concept in sport can have a positive influence on the development of the younger sport participants, because it can give them a chance to meet their needs.
From the pedagogical point of view, we have to make a great effort not only to improve of the coaches quality, but also to reform the competitive sports with children and youths. By this means, the stable basis for the elite sports can be produced.
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The Effect of Exercise intensity on Mental Health 스포츠 심리학 : 강도별 운동이 정신 건강에 미치는 영향
37(2) 142-150, 1998
The Effect of Exercise intensity on Mental Health 스포츠 심리학 : 강도별 운동이 정신 건강에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine to the effect of exercise intensity on mental health. Subject of this study were 30 university students in Seoul City. The indepedent variables are positive mental health and negative mental health. Statics employed in this study were of variance(ANOVA).
The results induced from this study are as follow : Positive mental health before and after raining by the group and periods show a significant difference between groups(F(2,54)=4.439, p<.05), periods(F(1,54)=12.522, p<.001) and in interaction(F(2,54)=4.488, p<.05). The overall depth index of Negative mental health before and after training by the group and periods show a significant difference between groups(F(2,54)=6.643, p<.01), periods(F(1,54)=18.373, p<.001) and in interaction(F(2,54)=8.670, p<.001).
Conclusively the result of the test shows that to plan and execute training programs of middle intensity(60% exercise intensity) rather than high intensity of the exercise load is the best way to improve mental health.
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Development and Validation of the Sport Coping Scale 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 대처 척도의 개발과 구조적 타당화 검증
유진YooJin , 박성준ParkSung-Jun
37(2) 151-168, 1998
Development and Validation of the Sport Coping Scale 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 대처 척도의 개발과 구조적 타당화 검증
유진YooJin , 박성준ParkSung-Jun
The main purpose of this study was to develop a Korean Athlete Sport Coping Scale(KASCS) for Korean athletes and test it`s structural validation through confirmatory factor analyses. A conceptional model of sport coping style categorized as the two high-order coping(active and inactive) with the four first-order coping style(problem focused, emotional focused, detached, avoidance) was established. 80 Initial items relative to the conceptional model were generated from both theoretical and empirical approach(the previous coping scales, literature review, interview), and these items were reduces into four factor-32 items by conducting item and exploratory factor analysis into 349 athletes who participate in various sport events. The first-order confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the factorial validity of the KASCS, as the four subscales conform well to the underlying factor structure. Finally, the second-order confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the two higher-order coping styles represented well the four subscales, confirming the theoretical structure model of sport coping style. These results were discussed with the process of coping in a sport-specific context in Korea, and implications for future studies were suggested.
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The Effects of Mixed Model's Demonstration on the Acquisition and Retention of Self - paced Motor Task 스포츠 심리학 : 혼합모델의 시범이 자조과제의 획득과 파지에 미치는 영향
한태준HanTae-Joon , 조진규ChoJin-Kyu
37(2) 169-179, 1998
The Effects of Mixed Model's Demonstration on the Acquisition and Retention of Self - paced Motor Task 스포츠 심리학 : 혼합모델의 시범이 자조과제의 획득과 파지에 미치는 영향
한태준HanTae-Joon , 조진규ChoJin-Kyu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the mixed model’s demonstration on the acquisition and retention of self-paced motor task in observational learning(modeling). Subjects were 48 female elementary school children(fourth and fifth grade). They were randomly assigned to one of 4 different conditions group: 12 involved in excellent model observation group 1, 12 involved in unskilled model observation group 2, 12 involved in mixed model observation group 3, and 12 involved in control group 4.
The experimental task was rolling forward with put hands on the mat as the self-paced motor task. All subjects performed 25 acquisition trials(5 trial blocks) followed by retention 10 trials(2 trial blocks). Data obtained from all subjects in five acquisition and two retention trial blocks were two separate analyses of variance for each trial scores.
The designs of this study were 4×5(observation group×trial block in acqusition) and 4×2(observation group×trial block in retention) factorial design with repeated measures.
In statistical method two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD were used to analyses the results of this study. The results can be summarized as follows:
1. There were main effects between model observation group and trial block in the acquisition and retention phase.
2. There were no interaction effects between model observation group and trial block in the acquisition and retention pahse.
3. The mixed-model observation group and excellent model observation group performed significantly better than the unskilled model observation group and control group in the acquisition and retention phase.
Especially the mixed model observation group performed better than the excellent model observation group in retention phase. Conclusively the mixed model’s demonstration is the effective modeling strategy in the acquisition and retention of self-paced task.
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Characteristics of Muscle Power Output by the Lower Limb Muscles During 5-Step Upward and Forward Jumps 스포츠 생리학 : 도약방향에 따른 하지근군의 근파워 출력 특성
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of muscle power output emerged during 5-step upward and forward jumps. Eight male college students majoring in physical education participated in the study as subjects, and peformed 5-step jumps to both upward and forward directions. For each jump, subject`s movement was filmed by 16mm high speed camera and the ground reaction force was measured using force platform. Obtained data were used to calculate angular velocity, muscle torque, and muscle power associated with the lower limb joint movements. Analysis on the kinematic data revealed that the maximum flexion of lower limb joints appeared in the order of hip, knee, and ankle joint (during both upward and forward jumps). In terms of the time to contact the feet on the ground and horizontal velocity during the downward phase, forward jump displayed significantly shorter and greater values than upward jump. While the muscle torque and muscle power emerged during the downward phase of forward jump increased smoothly after they reached negative peaks, those of upward jump were found to fluctuate right after they started to change the direction from negative to positive. In both jump direction, the muscle power developed by the eccentric contraction of knee extensors played a major role during the downward phase, whereas the muscle power produced by the concentric contraction of hip extensors played a major role doting the push-off phase.
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The Effect of Cognitive Stress and Exercise Intensity on β-endorphin, Norepinephrine, IgA, and IgM 스포츠 생리학 : 운동부하별 인지적, 신체적 스트레스가 β-endorphin, Norepinephrine, IgA, IgM 반응에 미치는 영향
이강평LeeKang-Pyung , 임인수LimIn-Soo
37(2) 193-203, 1998
The Effect of Cognitive Stress and Exercise Intensity on β-endorphin, Norepinephrine, IgA, and IgM 스포츠 생리학 : 운동부하별 인지적, 신체적 스트레스가 β-endorphin, Norepinephrine, IgA, IgM 반응에 미치는 영향
이강평LeeKang-Pyung , 임인수LimIn-Soo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of profile of mood states(POMS), rate of perceived exertion(RPE), norepinephrine(NE), β-endorphine(β-EN), immuno-globulin(Ig) M, and IgA according to high and moderate intensity exercise after rebuke on evaluation of learning task for cognitive stress. Subjects were male physical education major male students in H university. The subjects divided into four groups; stress treatment+high exercise(S+H), high exercise(H), stress treatment+moderate exercise(S+M), and moderate intensity exercise(M). The subjects in high intensity exercise group were run for 25min on treadmill at 85-90% of HRmax and the subjects in moderate intensity exercise group were urn for 45min on treadmill at 65-70% of HRmax. The HR was recorded by PE-3000 with 30sec interval. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein at pre-, post-0, post-30min of treatment. Data were analyzed with t-test and MANOVA of SPSS. The results were summarized as follows:
1. The changes of POMS and RPE were signiftcantly increased in cognitive stress treatment group than the control group.
2. The changes of NE and β-EN were significantly different among groups. Namely, the changes of NE in the group SH were significantly different from the group H, M, and MS, but the changes of β-EN were significantly different only within exercise intensity groups.
3. The changes of IgM were significantly different, but IgA did not show any significant difference between groups.
In conclusion, the inspectation of POMS and RPE verify that the rebuke on evaluation of learning task has the validity of cognitive stress model in this study. Both of high intensity exercise and cognitive stress effect harmfully on mood, endocrine, and immune system.
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Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Body Weight, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Men
Chong Do Lee , Jung Ho Cho
37(2) 204-210, 1998
Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Body Weight, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Men
Chong Do Lee , Jung Ho Cho
Although cardiorespiratory fitness is an important predictor of mortality, no prior studies have examined the relation between body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality after taking cardiorespiratory fitness into account. We estimated the relative risks (RRs) of CVD mortality across BMI quartiles (<23.8 [referent], 23.8 to <25.6, 25.6 to <27.8, and 27.8) with or without adjustment for cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, and other mortality predictor. Subjects were 24,469 men who had a complete preventive medical examination, including a maximal treadmill exercise test and self-reported health habits. There were 189 CVD deaths during an average of 8 year of follow-up. After adjustment for age, examination year, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity, we observed a direct relation between BMI and CVD mortality, with adjusted RR (95% CI) across the BMI quartiles of 1.00, 1.76 (1.04-2.99), 3.08 (1.88-5.07), and 3.47 (2.10-5.74) (P for quadratic trend = 0.001). Further adjustment for cardiorespiratory fitness instead of physical activity attenuated but did not eliminate the relation between BMI and CVD mortality (P for quadratic trend = 0.002). This relation remained in nonsmokers and in nonsmokers with exclusion for early mortality. These data suggest that men with a BMI of less than 24 ate associated with the lowest CVD mortality.
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A Study of the Energy Transfer between the Low Limb Segments during the Taekwondo Front Kick 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기시 하체 분절간 에너지 전이 연구
37(2) 213-219, 1998
A Study of the Energy Transfer between the Low Limb Segments during the Taekwondo Front Kick 운동역학 : 태권도 앞차기시 하체 분절간 에너지 전이 연구
The energy transfer between the low limbs during the Taekwondo front kick executed by five experts were studied using a high speed camera(200fps).
Results showed the magnitude and contribution to the energy transfer of potential and rotational kinetic energy were much lower than those of the translational kinetic energy. The potential energy of the thigh was much higher than those of the leg and foot segments. It is thought to be due to the greater mass of the thigh. The potential energy of all three segments were increased throughout the performance. The decrease of translational kinetic energy of the thigh resulted the increase of those of the leg and foot segments. The decrease of rotational energy of the thigh was contributed to the increase of that of the leg segment. The displacement of the total energy of all three segments were increased at the fast quarter of the performance. The negative displacement of the total energy was shown for the thigh segment while the positive displacements were shown for the leg and foot segments rest of the performance. The energy transfer both within and between the segment of the foot, thigh and thigh segment was resulted while the rate of energy conservation were very low.
It was concluded that the translational kinetic energy of the thigh was a most important role during the Taekwondo front kick. The energy transfer both within and between the segment for all three segements was found to be true. The energy of the thigh was found to be transferred to the leg and that of leg was transferred to the foot. Therefore the energy was proved to be transferred from the proximal segment to the distal segement.
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Determination of Three - Dimensional Orientation of Human Body Segments for Analysis of Taekwondo Kicking Techniques 운동역학 : 태권도 차기기술 분석을 위한 인체 분절의 3차원 위치 결정
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
37(2) 220-232, 1998
Determination of Three - Dimensional Orientation of Human Body Segments for Analysis of Taekwondo Kicking Techniques 운동역학 : 태권도 차기기술 분석을 위한 인체 분절의 3차원 위치 결정
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
To propose a reasonable methodology to mathematically quantify Taekwondo kicking techniques should be considered first of all not only for their scientific study but also for their scientific coach in educational or sports field. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to propose a methodology to determine three-dimensional orientation of human body segments by using the concept of relative orientation of Euler’s angle to which can be universally applied the film analysis of Taekwondo kicking techniques, and to represent the three-dimensional relative orientation of joints and segments during Dwi-chagi with the proposed methodology.
Dwi-chagi performed by six male elite Taekwondo players were filmed using two LocamII 16 mm high speed camera set to the filming speed of 100 frames/s. Based on three-dimensional coordinates of anatomical landmarks calculated by DLT method, the relative orientation between two adjacent body segments was determined through three calculation processes, which were consisted of embedding local segment coordinate system on each body segment and making unit vectors, deriving a rotational transformation matrix through the unit vectors, and calculating Euler’s angle through rotational matrix derived by rotations about three axes.
When observing the output of joint and segment motions during Dwi-chagi, the proposed Euler’s angle showed the motion characteristics of Dwi-chagi in detail and naturally. In particular, the quantitative representation of supporting leg and trunk made it possible to define Taekwondo kicking techniques more comprehensively.
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A Studies on the Body Composition Per Event of Athlete of Korea with Reference to AM , Bi , ST , and DEXA , Method 운동역학 : 한국 남자 운동선수들의 종목별 신체조성에 관한 연구 - 생체측정법, 피하지방후법, 생체전기저항법, 이중X선법을 중심으로 -
김용규KimYong-Kyoo , 정길상ChungKil-Sang
37(2) 233-247, 1998
A Studies on the Body Composition Per Event of Athlete of Korea with Reference to AM , Bi , ST , and DEXA , Method 운동역학 : 한국 남자 운동선수들의 종목별 신체조성에 관한 연구 - 생체측정법, 피하지방후법, 생체전기저항법, 이중X선법을 중심으로 -
김용규KimYong-Kyoo , 정길상ChungKil-Sang
This study has been aimed to study of the body compositon by Dual Energy x-ray absorptimetry by random selection of 75 athletes of Korea National team and 15 college student in control group by Nuclear department of J.I. Hospital from Sep. 1, 1995 through Oct. 10, 1996, one year 2 months, by measuring their height, weight, chest girth, sitting height, physical fitness and skinfold thickness. Using the above data total body fat weight have been produced by indirect method, and by BI(Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer), the body fat weight was produced, and by Bone densitometry, body fat weight per part of the body or the percent body fat, rate of body composition of body part, and bone density, and this is the report of the conclusion according to the result of the difference between the ordinary college students and the athletes by analyzing the correlation of the above.
1. Body measurement
Ordinary students and the athletes were both better than the average standard value of Korean in physical growth and development.
2. Body Fat weight by the body measurement
Body fat weight was shown higher in ordinary college students and athletes, especially baseball and basketball players were visibly higher.
3. Body Fat weight by the measurement of the skinfold thickness method
The percent body fat of the ordinary college students was 18.92±3.9%, baseball players were highest by 19.34±3.4% and other athletes 10-15%.
4. Body fat weight by the BI method
It was higher in ordinary college students and baseball players but not in other athletes.
5. Body fat weight by the DEXA method
It was 22.08±5.36 in ordinary college stduents while baseball players(19.23±2.95%) and low in soccer players(15.48±2.76%), Basketball players(15.17±2.19), shor distance runners(13.99±1.97), middle and long distance runners(13.23±3.11). They have shown the same or lower rate compared with ordinary Korean no value(14.9±0.32).
6. Comparison of body fat weight between the methods of measurment
It has been the same in ordinary college stduents group except the BI method, but by DEXA or the skinfold thickness methods showed almost the same in the group of athletes while BI and living body measurement methods showed the considerable difference.
7. Percent body composition per body parts
The ordinary students showed the highest rate of 47.5% in main parts of the body by the lower limbs 34.1%, the upper limbs 10.3% and head 8.1% in order. But in case of athletes, the composition rate was almost the same while they showed higher rate than ordinary college students in lower and upper limbs, and in contrary the main parts of the body and head showed lower rate.
8. Bone mineral density, g/㎠
Ordinary students sh㎠㎠owed the density by 0.986±0.105g/㎠ while soccer players 1.163±0.110g/㎠, basketball players 1.204±0.077g/㎠ baseball players 1.126±0.070g/㎠, short distance runner 1.114±0.090g/㎠ and the middle and long distance runners 1.019±0.0631g/㎠, lower than ordinary college students. Especially the bone density was peculiarly different according to the event of the sports.
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A Study on Kinematic Factors of Sequential Movements in Taekwondo - Apdollyachagi and Dolgaechagi Techniques - 운동역학 : 태권도 발차기 연속동작에 대한 Kinematic적 요인 연구 분석 - 앞돌려차고 돌개차기 기술 -
A Study on Kinematic Factors of Sequential Movements in Taekwondo - Apdollyachagi and Dolgaechagi Techniques - 운동역학 : 태권도 발차기 연속동작에 대한 Kinematic적 요인 연구 분석 - 앞돌려차고 돌개차기 기술 -
The purpose of this research was analyze quantitatively sequential movement in Taekwondo Apdollyachagi and Dolgaechagi.
The subject of this study were a college Taekwondo players, consisting of 3FF, 3FL and 3MH.
The performances of the subject were filmed using two 16mm high speed cameras.
Their performances were analyzed by there-dimensional cinematographical method. After analyzing every movement the following conclusions were taken.
1. The time needed for Taekwondo performance were 1.34±0.07sec(light wt.), 1.39±0.04sec(middle wt.) and 1.42±0.07sec(heavy wt.) respectively. Light weight was fastest in performance showing 1.34±0.07sec. It was proved light wt. is profitable in taking opportunity. By shortening the needed time from landing succeeded by way of sequential movement to second taking off, the time needed for the whole performance become shorten.
2. The relative altitudes of center of gravity compared with height of subject, at impact were 55±3%, 59±4% and 56±3% respectively. The scopes of left-right movement of the center of gravity were changed to the average of 12.7±9.5cm.
In order to gain the more powerful impact, the change of the center of gravity to the left side was proved to more profitable than the right.
3. The verocities of feet at Apdollyachagi were 13.71±1.04m/sec, 14.40±0.78m/sec and 14.09±0.93m/sec respectively. And the velocities at impact were 13.30±0.92m/sec, 14.47±1.53m/sec and 15.37±1.43m/sec.
4. At the 2nd taking off, the velocities of lead foot were 5.61±1.21m/sec, 5.55±1.22m/sec and 2.77±1.18m/sec respectively. The velocity of lead foot made angular momentum necessary for the 2nd taking off, modulated the ballance of body and raised the altitude of center of gravity.
5. The angles of knee joint at Apdollyachagi were 156.7±0.53, 154.1±2.23 and 154.2±2.99. And angles of knee joint were 159.8±5.32, 164.2±0.53 and 155.6±5.94 respectively.
6. The angles of feet at touch down were 178.4±111.29, 152.1±12.97 and 201.6±4.82 respectively. When the angle of feet was approximately 180˚ at touch down, it was proved to lessen the time leading to impact.
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Kinematic Analysis of Free Hip Circle Rearways Forward Horizontal Bar 운동역학 : 철봉 Free Hip Circle Rearways Forward 동작의 운동학적 분석
37(2) 265-272, 1998
Kinematic Analysis of Free Hip Circle Rearways Forward Horizontal Bar 운동역학 : 철봉 Free Hip Circle Rearways Forward 동작의 운동학적 분석
You were made cut in marks when you did uneeded swing in the exercise of the horizontal bar. Because importance of technical chain, the action of Free Hip Circle Rearways Forward was the proceeding steps. To gain technology of high qualification, exact action and turning force were needed. We have studied about national excellent two gymnast. It is to use basic materials for improving the force in the matches. We gained like the next.
1. The performing ability of action did not be valuated by of total action, but in the second situation, feet move between two arms naturally great using the speed of verticality and centrifugal force.
Then, third and fourth situation as a vertiality exercise the circle of a hip joint and a shoulder joint affected performance fifth situation by fast swing and exercise of circle.
2. The change of speed in the middle of body was important in the second situation. The speed of horizontality and verticality was important to enlarge exercise of circle for increasing speed in the fourth situation. Although desirable action was to lengthen a hip shoulder and to extend a hip joint with raising vertically in the fifth situation, B gymnast didn`t have the speed of circle because B gymnast put very closely a hip joint Bar.
3. In performing Force Hip Circle Rearways Forward although gymnast A gained settled swing with winding a hip joint and a shoulder joint. It was biggest change. Gymnast B didn`t perform contected action smothly.
finally, performing Free Hip Circle Rearways forward was the Horizontal Bar. To do winding in the second situation made large circle and increase the speed of circle, connected actions in the third and fourth situation. Then if the players make high the position energy, they`ll perform in the fifth situation.
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Analysis of Selected Trunk Muscle Activities During a Golf Swing - Preliminary Study
Lim Young-tae
37(2) 273-280, 1998
Analysis of Selected Trunk Muscle Activities During a Golf Swing - Preliminary Study
Lim Young-tae
The purposes of this study were to describe and compare the selected electromyographical (EMG) muscle activities of trunk during a golf swing. For the purpose of this study, the golf swing was broken into the six phases - 1) Early take away, 2) Late take away, 3) Forward swing, 4) Acceleration, 5) Early follow-through, and 6) Late follow-through.
Eight pairs of electrodes were placed on selected muscles on both sides of the body: rectus abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique, and erector spinae muscles. The EMG data were full-wave rectified and normalized to the maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MVC) EMG levels (100%). The average and maximum normalized EMG values for different phases were computed for the selected trial.
The abdominal oblique and erector spinae muscles demonstrated relatively high activity bilaterally throughout the golf swing. They functioned to initiate and control the forward swing, transmit the power initiated in the hips, and decelerate the body after ball impact. The back muscles may primarily contract for stabilization while the abdominal muscles may contract for the trunk flexion and rotation. Interestingly, this study revealed that the activities of back muscles during the early follow-through phase were considerably higher than those in the previous reports (Pink et al., 1993). The rotation of trunk during the entire golf swing was also relatively high while that of lower extremity was somewhat constant. This may happen that the subject adopted to not the traditional swing but the modern swing style. The high and consistent level of activity denotes a propensity to fatigue in these muscles, causing injury not only to the lower back but also to secondary muscle groups, which attempt to compensate for the lack of trunk muscle activity.
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A Analysis of Angular Momentum in Forward 1/2, 1 1/2 Rotation Nontwisting Platform Dives 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Dives에서 Forward 1/2, 1 1/2 회전시 각 운동량에 대한 분석
정철정JungChul-Jung , 강신KangSin
37(2) 281-288, 1998
A Analysis of Angular Momentum in Forward 1/2, 1 1/2 Rotation Nontwisting Platform Dives 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Dives에서 Forward 1/2, 1 1/2 회전시 각 운동량에 대한 분석
정철정JungChul-Jung , 강신KangSin
A study was calculated total body angular Momentum about a transverse axis through the center of mass that ocurred as the rotational requirement of nontwisting platform dives was increased. Three national subject men were filmed performing dives and investigated contribution of Remote Hg in total body angular momentum.
For the divers, Angular momentum was digitized from five frame prior to take off until the peak and the results are as follows.
1. The total angular momentum generated at take off varied a little from subject to subject but increased as a function of increasing the required number of rotations in the dive.
2. The body segment contribution to the total Hg generated at takeoff increased at the distal segment from the CM as a function of increasing the required number of rotations in the dive.
3. For the Foward 1/2, 1 1/2 somersault dive, The contribution to the remote Hg due to the arm was greater than other segments as a function of increasing the required number of rotations in the dive. During take off the divers must create a sufficient momentum about their CM in order to successfully complete the dive.
4. For the Foward 1/2, 1 1/2 somersault dive, The contribution to the Remote Hg due to the head-trunk was less than other segments as a function of increasing the required number of rotations in the dive.
5. For the Foward 1/2, 1 1/2 somersault dive, The contribution to the Remote Hg due to the foot was greater than other segments but less than the arm as a function of increasing the required number of rotations in the dive.
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Analysis of Korean Physical Educators' Attitudes Toward Teaching Students with Disabilities in Regular Classes
Kim Ki-hong
37(2) 291-299, 1998
Analysis of Korean Physical Educators' Attitudes Toward Teaching Students with Disabilities in Regular Classes
Kim Ki-hong
The purpose of this study was to analyze Korean physical educators` attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities in their regular physical education classes. Education for the students with disabilities has been focused on the concept of a continuum of educational services. The philosophy and practices of mainstreaming has been realized in Korea and the integrational procedure has been occurred in the regular class room. However, mainstreaming can only work when a wide variety of settings and support services are available. `Integrated education` was stated first time in Korea by Korean law for the development of special education. However, the systematic appoach are not shown well in constitutional procedure and the differences between in and out field of special education. Unfortunately, few Korean studies have attempted to assess physical educators` attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities.
The PERTH Korean version with 5-point Likert scale was used in this study. The questionnair was needed to answer by grade level and disability conditions. While fording from this study provide physical educators` preference in teaching students with disabilities, many physical educators are not ready to host students with disabilities in their regular classes. Korean physical education teachers had more favorable attitudes toward teaching students with learning disabilities rather than teaching students with physical disabilities which contrast with the results from previous studies. The main contrast was due to the physical education curriculum which was dominated by movement and motor skill acquisition. This contrast showed the lack of readiness to teach students with physical disabilities in physical education classes that physical educators preferred to teach students with mental disabilities who, in terms of physical functioning, resemble their students without disabilities. Physical educators may have perceived the regular class as placing too many demands on students with physical disabilities, resulting in the unfavorable attitudes toward teaching them in regular classes. This information may also serve Lo provide guidance for teacher training related to the needs of mainstreaming within the regular classes.
In the findings from the results of comparison between attitudes and subjects` attributes such as gender, degree, experience of teaching the students with disabilities, and credit of adpated physical education class, the teachers who had master`s degree showed more positive attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities than the teachers who had bachelor`s degree, and the teachers who had experiences of teaching students with disabilities showed more positive attitudes than the teachers who had no experiences of teaching students with disabilities. These findings indicate that physical educators need to be oriented for understanding about students` disabilities and need to be educated in the graduate program for positive attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities in their regular classes.
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Effect of the Level of Data Analysis on the Interpretation of Motor Learning by Individuals with Profound Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 자료분석 수준이 최중도 정신지체인의 운동학습에 대한 해석에 미치는 영향
37(2) 300-308, 1998
Effect of the Level of Data Analysis on the Interpretation of Motor Learning by Individuals with Profound Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 자료분석 수준이 최중도 정신지체인의 운동학습에 대한 해석에 미치는 영향
The present study attempted to take an integrated approach to the process of motor skill learning in individuals with profound mental retardation. Behavioral, response outcome, and response kinematic measures were analyzed. Six adults with PMR performed 30 error-free simple aiming movements on digitizing tablet during the seven acquisition, three retention, and four transfer days. The result of a one-way ANOVA for the number of trials to reach 30 error-free responses suggests that adults with PMR improved and learned the skill and transferred to a new situation. The results of 2 × 3 × 3 (Phase × Day × Block) RM ANOVAs for response outcome and kinematic measures suggested that these individuals were able to initiate movement faster with practice. However, practice did not result in changes in kinematic measures.
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The Relationship between World Cup Soccer Championship and Activation of Korean Soccer League 스포츠 행정 경영 : 월드컵축구대회와 프로축구 활성화의 관계
37(2) 311-320, 1998
The Relationship between World Cup Soccer Championship and Activation of Korean Soccer League 스포츠 행정 경영 : 월드컵축구대회와 프로축구 활성화의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of regional qualifying event for World Cup soccer championship on Korean soccer league and to explain that in terms of sport sponsorship.
Subjects(n=388) were recruited from 10 different areas. Questionnaire and quota sampling method were used. Data was analyzed with SPSSWIN 7.0 for Crosstabs and One-way ANOVA. Results were as follows;
First, Korean soccer league have not activated yet; 65.2% of respondents never watched Korean soccer league; respondents who watch the game less than 10 times were 54.4%.
Second, there was no relationship between watching area and going to stadium. But there was a relationship between watching area and watching TV. These results indicated that method of watching the pro soccer league was different according to area.
Third, intention to watch the soccer game was not different according to area. Fourth, probability of activation of Korean soccer league was different according to area.
These results suggested four ways to enhance value of Korean soccer league; first, make star players, second, make strategy to increase spectators, third, make strategy for publicity, fourth, construct cooperation system to mass media.
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Relationships between the Social Support and Job Satisfaction of Member of Physical Education Organizations 스포츠 행정 경영 : 체육조직 구성원의 사회적 지원과 직무만족의 관계
김정하KimJeong-Ha , 이용식LeeYong-Sik
37(2) 321-327, 1998
Relationships between the Social Support and Job Satisfaction of Member of Physical Education Organizations 스포츠 행정 경영 : 체육조직 구성원의 사회적 지원과 직무만족의 관계
김정하KimJeong-Ha , 이용식LeeYong-Sik
The purpose of this study was to examine to relationships between the social support and job satisfaction of member of physical education organizations. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study hypothesized as follows:
First, Member of physical education organizations will take a lot of social support.
Second, According to social support, job satisfaction of member of physical education organizations will show difference.
Third, Social support of member of physical education organizations will effect on job satisfaction.
The sample was drawn from 299 members worked at several physical education organizations in Korea, they were selected by the method of random sampling. The questionnaire consisted of fixed-alternative and open-ended questions. The questionnaire consisted of two sections; social support and job satisfaction.
The reliability coefficients of the questionnaire were ranging from .7727∼.8194. T-test, Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis were used as statistical methods for the study.
Results obtained from this research were as follow:
1. Member of physical education organizations took somewhat highly social support. And Member of physical education organizations took social support of collegue group more than social support of upper group.
2. In physical education organizations, member of which taken many social support more than member of which taken few social support was highly on job satisfaction.
3. There was appeared positive correlation between the social support and job satisfaction of member of physical education organizations. Also, Social support effect positively on job satisfaction of member of physical education organizations. In details, social support of upper group effect on job satisfaction but social support of collegue group don`t effect on job satisfaction.
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Market Subdivisions According to Sports Center Consumers' perception of Service Quality 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 서비스품질 지각에 따른 시장세분화
이덕분LeeDuck-Bun , 김학신KimHak-Shin
37(2) 328-338, 1998
Market Subdivisions According to Sports Center Consumers' perception of Service Quality 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠센터 소비자의 서비스품질 지각에 따른 시장세분화
이덕분LeeDuck-Bun , 김학신KimHak-Shin
The present study was conducted for the following reasons: The reliability of sports center consumers` perception in accordance with market subdivisions was analyzed. Based on the result, suggestions for establishing effective marketing strategies were made. Questionnaires which simplified the service quality of sports center were used. The questionnaires were created based on the 5 levels of SERVQUAL Theory, (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1990). The result of categorizing sports center market subdivisim patterns into management, convernience, workers` image, and other types of services; there occurred clear distinctions among the groups. The differences between the expected service quality and the perceived service quality were overall lower for the expected standard compared to the satisfied standard. Especially in terms of modernized facilitres, pleasant in-door environment, responding to consumers` requests faithfully even in a busy situation, etc. consumers` expectation of the service when first walking into the center was not met. And this became the major reason for their dissatisfaction of the service. The statistics showed significantly that P<.05 according to market subdivisions such as educational background, marital status, occupation. Ovreall, college groups considered the provided service to be an important factor and showed the highest satifaction.
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A Study on the Selection Advertising Media for Consumer of Commercial Sport Center 스포츠 행정 경영 : 상업스포츠시설의 광고매체에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYoo-Chan , 손경환ShonGyoung-Hoan
37(2) 339-350, 1998
A Study on the Selection Advertising Media for Consumer of Commercial Sport Center 스포츠 행정 경영 : 상업스포츠시설의 광고매체에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYoo-Chan , 손경환ShonGyoung-Hoan
It was deepen the competition between around sports center for the commercial sports center of rapidly increasing, throughly marketing strategy only founding which advertising strategy was essential of actuality suvived the sports center enterprice therefore this study was object that commercial sports center was founded advertising strategy for the basic data feeding.
Hence doing basic following study and theory set up study model and hypothesis.
In otter to accomplishing object this study exerting samples 521 persons the man and woman user of the 11 sports center by the countess in Seoul ping frequency analysis and variable analysis the result turned out as following.
1. Talking about the style that the pressing advertising medics ciucluding newspaper and magazines the colors of the colorful ads. Main flow is the blue color, the contents is the introduction of programs, the using price and the introduction of establishment`s couteuts we perceived this as an important thing, founding is the sterothings of poster, electric light media is wide color as an proper thing.
2. A course of transfer advertising media was positive answers about the pressing media letters or newspaper-paper feedings traffic transport was general traffic, reding newpaper was Chosun ilbo, Jungang ilbo, the main seeing and hearing of TV brodcating company was MBC, seeing and hearing times was after PM 8:00.
3. It was difference to social disharmony promote in social class selectivity, service in the distinction of gender.
4. It was difference to social disharmony promote in social class effect of using price, selectivity, service in the age.
5. It was difference to over-consumption promote, social disharmony promote in social class effect of using price, selectivity in the profession.
6. It was difference to over-consumption promote social disharmony promote in social class selectivity in the area.
7. It was difference to social disharmony promote in social class fiction, selectivity, service in the in come level.
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The Relationship Between Sport Participation and Job Productivity 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 활동과 조직구성원의 직무성과와의 관계
37(2) 351-365, 1998
The Relationship Between Sport Participation and Job Productivity 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 활동과 조직구성원의 직무성과와의 관계
This study attempted to define the relationships between sport participation and job productivity that analyzed by path-relationships among interventional variables of job stress, and job immersion.
The independant variable was sport participation and interventional variables were sport environment, job satisfaction, job immersion and dependant variable was productivity.
The productivity was measured by salesman`s personal total amount of salemoncy and orders at car sale company.
Sujects of this study were working at Seoul, Incheon, Suwon, and Chuncheon area as a car sales personels.
Total of 627 subjects were randomely selected and asked to fill up distributed relative questionaires accordings to self-reporting method.
Result of this study leaded conclusions as followings.
1. As sports participation degree were higher, sports environment point were high, job stress point was high, and job satisfaction was high.
2. The sport participation degree was higher, psychological devotion and loss of time concepts were high.
3. There were no significant relations between sport participation degree and supervisors conflict factor, role conflict factor, task specialty factor and social support factor.
4. The sport participation degree was higher, supervision factor in job satisfaction was high.
5. The high degree of sport participation showed high point of trust of organizaction and attachment those are sub-area of job devotion.
6. Workers who were in the club sports environment had higher psychological devotion, and had higher degree of loss of time concept during their sport participation showed higher job productivity.
7. The area of job stress, the lower points at supervisor`s conflict factor, task specialty factor, role conflict factor, and social support showed the higher job productivity.
8. According to the relationship between job satisfaction and job productivity, the higher degree of satisfaction at wage factor, promotion factor, supervising factor and colleague factor showed the higher job productivity.
9. Workers who hadt higher degree at the trust of organization and affection factor, need for attachment factor, organizational goal and value factor, organizational sacrifice and devotion factor those were in the sub-area of organization immersion area.
10. The degree of sport participation could be a predictable variable for the job productivity of workers.
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An Investigatory Study on the Relationship among Leisure Motivation, Leisure Attitude, Leisure Constraints as Perceived by Selected Korean Employees 여가 레크리에이션 : 성인근로자의 여가활동 참여동기와 제약요인에 관한 기본 연구
37(2) 369-386, 1998
An Investigatory Study on the Relationship among Leisure Motivation, Leisure Attitude, Leisure Constraints as Perceived by Selected Korean Employees 여가 레크리에이션 : 성인근로자의 여가활동 참여동기와 제약요인에 관한 기본 연구
Review of leisure research regarding leisure constraints as perceived by Korean employees revealed that the neither the quantity is vast nor the quality is fertile and asked for a comprehensive review of related research and systematic analysis on the relationships among the variables associated with. The primary purpose of this study was to provide a testable model describing the relationships in terms of both theory and practice.
The subjects of this study were currently employed 577 Korean workers who are 20 years old and over, living in Seoul metropolitan area. Subjects were selected by the strafied random sampling in order to meet the characteristics of subject samples those who ate either actively or passively engaged in leisure activities.
Research instruments were devised by the researcher himself, pretested, and proved that contain content validity and reliability. They were Ragheb and Beard`s LSS, LMS, LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale, Leisure Motivation Scale, and Leisure Satisfaction Scale) and background variables along with leisure constraint item that the research himself developed.
The major findings of this study were that the significant variables differentiating the degree of leisure attitude, motivation and satisfaction of the Korean employees were level of education and sex variables. Interpersonal leisure is closely related with the types of employment. Blue collar workers perceived interpersonal constraint more seriously than their counterparts.
Within its limitations, this study provided a testable model depicting the causal relationships among leisure constraint, leisure motivation, leisure attitude along with satisfaction of the contemporary Korean workers has been provided for further research.
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The Morphological Proportionality in Elite Badminton Players 체육측정평가 : 우수 배드민턴 선수의 형태학적 비율
The present study was attempted to describe the morphological parameters that characterize elite badminton players in order to examine the efficacy of using elite player`s morphological characteristics as a model for success. Data were collected on 26 female elite badminton players who selected from three different groups such as 4 olympic medalists, 8 national representative players, and 14 business team players. In order to evaluate the possibility of employing estimates of regional active tissue development (corrected diameters) as indicators of morphological prerequisites in badminton players, the skinfold-corrected diameters were measured in addition to the anthropological parameters such as height, weight, and % fat. These variables were analyzed by ANOVA and Phantom z-scores procedures. The olympic medalists had a slight tendency to be taller and lighter than the business team players. The thigh skinfold thickness and the estimated % of body fat of the olympic medalists had a significantly (p<.01) lower than those of the business team players. The % of fat mass relative to total height were significantly (p<.01) increased from the Olympic medalists (23.4%) to the business team players (25.4%). The Phantom z-scores for the relative fat mass were significantly (p<.01) increased with the athletic performance level. The results indicate that weight, thigh girth, skinfold thickless of thigh and calf, % of body fat and muscle mass are important characteristics prerequisites for success at elite levels of badminton players.
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Establishment and Validation of Criterion - Referenced Standards for Physical Fitness Test 체육측정평가 : 체력측정을 위한 준거지향 기준치 설정과 타당성 검증에 관한 연구
37(2) 399-413, 1998
Establishment and Validation of Criterion - Referenced Standards for Physical Fitness Test 체육측정평가 : 체력측정을 위한 준거지향 기준치 설정과 타당성 검증에 관한 연구
The purpose of the study was to establish criterion-referenced standards for selected physical fitness tests and to determine if the standards have enough validity. Fitness tests administered include sit-ups, push-ups, sit & reach, 50 meter dash, and standing long jump. Validation subjects group (n=110) were divided into training (n=47) and control (n=63), where training subjects finished 12 week exercise program consisted of warm-up & flexibility, plyometric and weight training. Two-way repeated ANOVA was used to analyze the interaction and main effects in groups and trials. Frequency distribution for each test item indicated that contrasting groups method could be used. Based on the dichotomous distributions, hypothetical cutoff scores were determined and statistical procedures for validation were applied; probabilities of correct decisions, misclassification errors of type I and type II, validity coefficients, expected disutility, expected utility, and expected maximal utility. Crass-validation subjects group (n=88) consisted of mastery (n=41) and non-mastery (n=47). These subjects were tested on the same fitness test items and the passing rates were calculated.
The results indicated that criterion standards for sit-up, push-up, sit & reach, 50m dash, and standing long jump were 46 reps, 44 reps, 22 cm, 7.9 sec, 243 cm, respectively. With these standards applied to the cross-validation group, the passing rates for mastery were 76.2%, 66.7%, 84.9%, 52.7%, and 71.3%.
Despite relatively high probabilities of correct decisions, validity coefficients were shown to be low, therefore, it is advised that precaution should be taken in interpreting criterion standard scores. However, validation procedures suggested by this study were deternimed to be meaningful. Where time and resources allow, the use of several field and laboratory erasures provides more accurate and valid assessments of physical fitness levels.
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An Analysis on Research Trends of Physical Education and Sport Science in Korea 체육측정평가 : 체육학의 연구경향 분석
37(2) 414-422, 1998
An Analysis on Research Trends of Physical Education and Sport Science in Korea 체육측정평가 : 체육학의 연구경향 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the state and the research methods especially statistical techniques, used in the 639 researches in the Journal of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance published from 1991 to 1997.
The results of this study were as follows ;
1. The main research areas were exercise physiology, sports psychology, and the type was survey and experimental research.
2. The main statistical techniques used in the researches was the descriptive statistics and frequency, however, the hypothesis test methods have been used in the statistical analysis were means, t-test, ANOVA. The multivariate such as MANOVA, discriminant analysis and canonical analysis has been seldomly used in the research.
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A Study on the Modern Dance in Korea - Focused on the Trend of the Times - 무용 : 한국 현대 무용의 시대적 흐름에 관한 연구
37(2) 425-435, 1998
A Study on the Modern Dance in Korea - Focused on the Trend of the Times - 무용 : 한국 현대 무용의 시대적 흐름에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate the modern dance in Korea focused on the trend of the times and to propose a direction to go forward in the future.
The trend of times is divided by seven periods from the beginning of the 20th century to now like follows; (1) The Quickening Period (1905∼1925), (2) The Introduction Period (1926∼1945), (3) The Period of Confusion (1945∼1961), (4) The Period of Groping (1960’s), (5) The Developing Period (1970’s), (6) The Period of Renaissance (1980’s) and (7) Thereafter (1990’s).
Largely, up to the periods of 1950’s modern dance in Korea was affected by German style "Neuer Tanz(New Dance)" and thereafter greatly influenced by the reputable modem dancer, Martha Graham of the U.S.A. From 1980’s (The Period of Renaissance) some modem dance choreographers in Korea began to introduce Korean or Oriental concepts/symbols into modem dance with respect to its subjects, objects, movements and etc. With explosive formation of dance companies by young dancers and choreographers in 1980’s, modern dance in Korea showed quantitative and qualitative developments in that period. But they have not been sufficient to establish Korean-style genuine modern dance.
The spirit of modern dance is always concerned about the changes of times and features of life. In addition, cultural differences by regions are currently emphasized against uniform culture and civilization all over the world. In this regard, Modern dancers and choreographers in Korea have to establish new concepts of modern dance based on the philosophy of Korean spirits and to develop Korean-style dance techniques, dance languages and dance culture.
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The Effects of Participation in Dance Program on Psychological Health among Female Adults 무용 : 중년 여성들의 무용프로그램 참가에 따른 심리적 건강 효과
37(2) 436-446, 1998
The Effects of Participation in Dance Program on Psychological Health among Female Adults 무용 : 중년 여성들의 무용프로그램 참가에 따른 심리적 건강 효과
The propose of this study was to examine the effects of dance program on the improvement of psychological Health, by comparing the difference of general self-esteem, physical self-efficacy, and mental health between involveds and non-involveds after the experiment. The inventory was administered to 74 middle-aged females. Statistics employed for data analysis were t-test and ANCOVA. The result of this study, female participants in dance program during five months show positive change of physical self-efficacy than nondance program participants, while there is no significant general self-esteem. Also female participants in dance program improved somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, and anxiety sub-symptom dimension.
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A Study of Eating Disorder Characteristics in High School Female Dancers 무용 : 고등학교 여자 무용수의 Eating Disorder 특성에 관한 연구
37(2) 447-454, 1998
A Study of Eating Disorder Characteristics in High School Female Dancers 무용 : 고등학교 여자 무용수의 Eating Disorder 특성에 관한 연구
This study investigated the use of aberrant weight control procedures and eating patterns among 114 high school female dancers. An eating patterns survey(modified Eating Patterns of Athletes) was administered to female dancers participating on a variety of high school with a response rate of 96%. Dancers` perceptions of their weight was almost a mirrored image of their actual weight. Two goodness-of-fit chi-squared tests indicated that how dancers viewed their own weight status as well as how they perceived others to judge them significantly differed from their body mass index categories based on their reported weight(p<.05). Dancers reported that their coaches rarely spoke to them about weight control, in spite of their distinct body image distortions, and also reported use of several types of pathogenic weight control methods; 27% indicated use of at least one pathogenic weight method. The overwhelming reason reported for their dance participation was to have fun(32.2%) and art activity(38.6%). Body image and pathogenic weight control methods related to the findings discussed as an exigent problem for the high school dance community.
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Eating Disorder, Female Dancers
The Study on the Body Composition and Body Type of Dance Students and Ordinary Students 무용 : 무용전공자와 비전공자의 신체구성과 체형에 관한 연구
37(2) 455-462, 1998
The Study on the Body Composition and Body Type of Dance Students and Ordinary Students 무용 : 무용전공자와 비전공자의 신체구성과 체형에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study were to compare and anaysis Body Composition(subscpular skinfoid, abdomen skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, triceps skinfold), body fat weight(body density, %fat, fat weight, fat free weight), and Body Type(ectomorphy, endomorphic ectomophy, balanced endomorphy) of Dancer Students and Ordinary Students.
Subjects were 75 under-graducate dancer students and 25 non-dancer students. The results were as follows. (a) The Body Composition was that subscpular skinfold, abdomen skinfold, suprailiac skinfold. triceps skinfold of dancer students was 82.31%, 75.25%, 79.69%, 79.86% as compared with non-dancer students respecteively. (b) Mean body fat were dancer studented was 14.23㎜ and non-dancer students was 18.15㎜. (c) %fat of dancer students(22.66%) was less than that(27.11%) of non-dancer students. (d) Fat free weight of dancer students and non-dancer students was similar. (f) Body type of dancer students was ectomophy was ectomophic endomorphy and that of non-dancer students was mesomorphic endormorphy.
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A Study on Choreographic Characteristics of Post - Modern Dancer Meredith Monk 무용 : Post - Modern Dance 무용가 Meredith Monk 의 안무성향에 관한 연구
37(2) 463-477, 1998
A Study on Choreographic Characteristics of Post - Modern Dancer Meredith Monk 무용 : Post - Modern Dance 무용가 Meredith Monk 의 안무성향에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to research on choreographic characteristics of Post-modern dancer Meredih Monk. To achieve the goal of the study, concepts, history, and general characteristics of Post-modern dance were briefly discussed in Chapter I as theoretical background. In Chapter II, Meredith Monk`s artistic life, her representative works, and choreographic characteristics were analyzed.
The study could be summarized in 3 folds:
1. Post-modern dance was emerged in the 1970s based on a previous dance form modern dance, American social mood with Anti-war demonstration and feminism or human right activities, and experimental Post-modernism arts.
2. The concepts and aesthetics of Post-modern dance were developed based on Merce Cunnigham`s experimental choreographic techniques with `happening` and `improvisation`; experimental performance and various subject matters of Judson Dance Theatre which includes Ivonne Rainner, David Gordon, and Trisha Brown, and Twala Tarp as well as Meredith Monk.
3. A prominent Post-modern dancer Meredith Monk has created unique choreographic techniques in temps of transformation of time, anti-theatre performance, pedestrian movement, image mosaic, theatric poem, portray of humanity, autobiographic works, repetition and division, fusion or cross-over of art genres, and expressing establishment of communal society through her works.
As a result of the study, I concluded that choreographic characteristics of Meredith Monk were formed by her unique techniques based on her experiences of producer of total arts. Also, her choreographic methods were developed based on existed techniques of Post-modern dance genre. I hope that this study can contribute to further study on theory of Post-modern dance in Korea.